The title of this mini blog could also be 'first world problems'. Apparently there is something called a 'meme' on the internet that pokes fun at us in the prosperous first world worrying about utterly trivial matters. My daughter spots white whine within seconds. I mused whether I should have a black or white iphone; 'white whine' she instantly pointed out. When one starts thinking about it there appears to be alot of white whine around. I will offer a few examples from my own world and that of close friends that shall remain anonymous. How about, 'what should I do with my Tesco vouchers?'; yep, a real first first world problem. Another, 'I'm tired at eating at the same restaurants'. Maybe, 'there isn't enough cheese in my salad'. Or, 'the printer has run out of ink'. Even, 'I have had to park too far from the gym'. My own piece of angst today was whether carbon rims would do the same job as aluminium ones on my bicycle wheels.
If you search the internet there is a lot more white whine. The whole point is that someone from the third world would be incredulous that we might worry over such trivia. Perhaps all this may be a little unkind to people around me struggling to make the best of life; in fact, I am the worst at worrying over trivial matters. However a bit of perspective is not necessarily a bad thing.