Tuesday 1 January 2013

The year in 365 images: #1

Aside from the sporting challenges this year will present I have decided to see if I can define the forthcoming twelve months in 365 images. They will be daily images of any kind: some from my camera, others from the Internet. They maybe important or mundane, but they will have caught my attention each day in some way. A colleague tried a similar project last year and got to July and I enjoyed following his daily blog, so here is my attempt to define the year in images. Some will have notes to accompany them, others left without comment.

The first is the results sheet from the first time trial of the year held near Denbigh this afternoon. I was quite pleased with my time of 27.11, especially considering my pedals would not engage with cleats on my shoes.


  1. Really nice idea Tim, I might try it myself! Wonder if we can do the whole 365 days?

  2. Here's my first one - http://www.scarletfire.co.uk/2013/01/sign-of-the-times/
    I'll probably forget to maintain it by the end of week 1!

  3. Let's give it a whirl. Uploading an image takes seconds and they can give an insight into our everyday lives in a minor way.

  4. Craig says he will do the same!
