Saturday 21 May 2011

Fascists on Parade.

This afternoon I witnessed a parade of fascists at first hand as I queued through Shotton. The English Defence League were holding some kind of rally to celebrate the burning of a building that was to be developed as a mosque. The numbers involved were small; I estimated perhaps 30 to 40 at most, in any case they were far out numbered by the police. Nonetheless it was an ugly protest that must have brought fear into the lives of those people not deemed 'British' enough. In fact as as the tail end of the small parade passed by a young boy (perhaps aged 11 or 12) of Chinese descent was walking on the opposite side of the road and there was a look of fear on his face. Despite the size of the march this young boy will not forget it easily.


  1. I am wondering why these people feel that it is any of their business what we choose to do in our communities here in Wales. Is this some kind of imperialist hangover they are experiencing? Do they still have the early versions of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica that stated "For Wales see England"?

  2. I agree. The odd thing is that a number cloaked themselves in Welsh, Scottish, and Irish flags. I don't get that. They are nothing but very ugly.

  3. I was fascinated by the Welsh Defence League: I assumed that they'd be language activists and providing opposition to the cultural destruction posed by English holiday-home owners in Cymru Cymraeg. Turned out they're just British racists…

    if you talk to anyone on the right, you'll find that they say 'England' when they mean 'Britain': they find it difficult to acknowledge cultural difference. I gather that the BNP's way round this is to claim that there's some mythical Saxon-Celtic mix which makes inhabitants of the UK and Ireland special…

    Don't go looking for reason in these peoples' witterings.

  4. They really mean White.
