Thursday 9 June 2011

Sail the Ocean Blue.

This evening I went to see HMS Pinafore performed by the Dee and Alyn Operatic Society. It is one of my favourite Gilbert and Sullivan operettas and I expected great things. This version was part operetta part Broadway. They even managed to get the can can in at one stage; Buttercup was played as if she was Nessa from Gavin and Stacey. The sailors were portrayed as being 'camp'. And  as for the music, it was was played on four electric pianos, with a small amount of percussion.

Gilbert and Sullivan lends itself to being modernised and parodied, so I was prepared to like this production. The same company did The Sorcerer two years ago and I really liked it, but I did not feel the same tonight. Some of the G&S magic was there, but taken as a whole this was not the best production I have seen. I have booked to see HMS Pinafore at the Buxton G&S Festival later in the summer - fingers crossed!


  1. Hope you have a better experience then!

  2. I saw the same show yesterday and thought it was fantastic. As a company they didnt take themselves too seriously and that gave an edge to the piece. they utilised what talents they had available, and made the most of quite an uncomplicated plot, and a tongue in cheek show. what griped inparticular did you have?

  3. I am glad you enjoyed it; others I have talked to did as well. From the start, for me, the synthesised pianos were annoying. The mixing up of genre, even within songs, the appearance of the Can-Can dancers for no apparent reason and so on. There were some good performances I agree.
    The plots are straightforward, but they generally have some pathos, and this was not brought out at all. There is humour in the original script, but the adaptation also lost this to a large extent. I got the feeling that many of the performers wanted to be in a musical rather than an operetta. Nevertheless I will back next year to watch Oliver.

  4. I think one of the major problems for G&S operettas these days is that modern audiences don't want to go and see them. It's so expensive to put on a show, that you have to be able to get bums on seats and this 'operetta part Broadway' was trying to do that, and I believed it worked. It has introduced a new audience to G&S and that is a good thing. I saw the show too and on the whole came away having had a great night's entertainment. It was a feel good show that the majority of the audience seemed to love.

  5. I have enjoyed the discussion thank you - I agree about getting a new audience to see G&S. The great thing about going to the theatre is how it has a different impact of each individual - as is shown in our little debate. Thanks for making a comment.
