Sunday 23 October 2011

Modern art.

For me modern art is a bit like jazz: I know I should like it, but no matter how hard I try I don't. Anyway, I am not qualified to write about modern art or jazz, but in Theatr Clwyd the other evening in the exhibition area I spotted this painting - my apologies for the poor quality of the photograph, but you will get the idea:

Let me help by describing this piece in detail: a black canvass with a white horizontal smudge. I was instantly intrigued with this image, and then even more so when I noted the sale price at over fifteen hundred pounds. I suppose the artist might say that piece has caught my attention more than a 'chocolate box' image ever would, and has led me to write this blog. Therefore the art works. They may have a point.

1 comment:

  1. We are indeed funny creatures! That puts in it perspective. A difference to Our Norm always grabs our attention. As you said Tim, up goes the price tag!! It is nice I suppose when it is another's version of art and not some sensationalistic news item I suppose.
